It has always been an aspiration of mine to achieve a diploma in clinical research which would enable me to pursue a career in the industry. While researching for a Masters in clinical research, I came across an advertisement for the PACE (Pharmalys Academy of Clinical research Excellence) Pilot programme.
The content of the programme, the qualification of the instructors (Instructors | PACE (, the high teaching standards (Our teaching approach | PACE (, as well as the international audience appealed to me and encouraged me to apply to the PACE Pilot. I knew the programme was going to meet all my expectations and open the door on many opportunities to pursue a career in clinical research.
PACE is not like any other course in clinical research. The programme integrates an internship during which learners can apply their academic teachings with real life experience in the field. (PACE: live the learning experience | PACE ( Furthermore, PACE allows learners to network with researchers and clinical research stakeholders from around the world, due to an international pool of instructors whose expertise has been acquired in different countries (PACE: a programme taught by professionals for future professionals | PACE ( This first hand experience is of value to me and is one of the reasons I decided to embark on the PACE journey
I think Africa really needs a course like PACE to develop expertise in the management of clinical research for a bright future in this sector.
Mamadou Seriba DOUMBIA, MD, MSc.